Sometimes you want to secure domains for a long time in advance or perhaps you’re taking a trip and may not be around when your domain comes up for renewal. In either case, here you can make sure your domain or service remains active and paid up for multiple years (2-9 years).
To renew your domain for multiple years you will first need to make sure there are no pre-existing invoices for said domain otherwise you won’t be able to see the multiyear option on the renewal screen. Please do the following:
1. Log into your easyDNS account
2. Click on INVOICES
3. Click on CANCEL for any invoices that are currently due for said domain
4. Go to the DOMAIN ADMINISTRATION page for said domain
5. Click on the DOMAIN SETTINGS tab
6. In the SERVICE MANAGEMENT field, click on RENEW
7. Once on the RENEWAL page, you can choose multiple years in the EXTENDED RENEWAL section
8. Click on RELOAD
9. Click on CONFIRM
10. Choose your method of payment and make the payment
Once the payment has been made and processed, your domain will be renewed.