easyMail Email Defense Service (EDS) is an all-in-one email security solution designed to protect against modern threats. By combining multiple layers of protection at both the Gateway and API levels, it eliminates the need for multiple products. Phishing attacks, email fraud, and business email compromise (BEC) are stopped before they ever reach a user’s inbox. Note that the Email Defence Service feature is currently only available for Premium mailboxes. For further details on our Email Defence Service, please go HERE.
To enable your Email Defence service, please do the following:
1.Log into your easyDNS account.
2. Click on the EMAIL link for your domain name.
3. You will be on the DOMAIN ADMINISTRATION page. Click on the EMAIL tab and then click on EASYMAIL.
4. Click on the USER tab to view all your email accounts. Click on the account you’d like to access Email Defence.
5. Scroll down to the EMAIL DEFENCE section of the popup. Turn the feature ON, create a password, and click on UPDATE.
6. You can now access the Email Defence portal by clicking on GO TO EDS PORTAL or EMAIL DEFENCE PORTAL or clicking HERE.
7. Enter your easyMail address and click on CONTINUE.
8. Enter the Email Defence password you created earlier and click on SIGN IN.
9. You should now be logged into your Email Defence portal where you can manage and monitor your spam activity.
You can also see below for further Email Defence Service documentation: