Connecting Your easyWEB To Your Domain Name

Once you’ve gone through the process of signing up for an easyWEB service and assigned it to a domain name, you’ll need to connect the two together through the domain’s DNS settings. This is how the Internet knows where to go in order for your visitors to see your actual website.

In order to connect the two together, you’ll need to enter the easyWEB IP address that gets sent in an automated email when you first sign up for this service. If you are unsure of what this IP address is, you can either resend the original email to yourself or simply just copy the information right from within your easyDNS account.

NOTE: Please note that you’ll need to enter your easyWEB IP address with your current DNS provider.

You’ll want to do the following:

1. Log into your easyDNS account
2. Click on EASYWEB

3. Copy the IP address shown for said domain

NOTE: Click on RESEND WELCOME MESSAGE if you would like the IP address along with all other easyWEB information sent to you again.

4. Click on the DNS link for said domain (this will bring you to the DNS SETTINGS page)

5. Click on the MODULAR EDITOR tab
6. Click on the wrench tool for HOSTS A RECORDS

7. Enter ‘@’ under HOST and paste the IP address under IP ADDRESS
8. Click on NEXT

7. Confirm your changes

Your domain name should now be connected to your easyWEB subscription and your website live.