How To Disable The SPAM Subject Line for Basic easyMail Accounts

NOTE: Disabling either the Message Subject or Message Header will apply to ALL email accounts based on the domain name.

Our Basic spam filtering will modify message headers with SPAM designation and prepend ‘[SPAM]’ to the subject of emails that are flagged. This feature is automatically enabled, but users do have the option of disabling either the Change Message Subject or Change Message Header from their easyMail portal.

Change Message Subject
Prepends [SPAM] to email subject

Change Message Header
Adds X-SPAM-LEVEL to message header (filters to JUNK)

For access to quarantines, whitelisting, blacklisting, and advanced email security please upgrade to Premium to access the Email Defense Service. You can find out more on how to upgrade HERE.

To enable or disable the basic filtering, please do the following:

1.Log into your easyDNS account.
2. Click on the EMAIL link for the domain.
3. Click on EASYMAIL.
4. Click on the BASIC email account.
5. Toggle either the Change Message Subject or Change Message Header to OFF. Click on UPDATE to confirm your changes.

The feature should now be disabled for ALL easyMail accounts based on your domain name.


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